
Skygital Hangout Rewards

How Skygital Hangout System Operates and The Rewards

Skygital Hangout is a subsidiary to Skygital Group, a centre of knowledge and skill acquisition in Digital and Growth Marketing, Faced and Faceless Video Creation plus Editing, Graphics Design, Ecommerce Business, Website Design plus Development, Affiliate Marketing, Information Marketing, and Artificial Intelligence. Skygital Group has business engagements with the E-Learning Industry, E-Commerce Industry, Information Technology Industry, and Advertising Industry. Skygital Hangout mission is to empower you plus others seeking for financial freedom and continuous values, with both Digital Knowledge and skills in form of E-Courses, Live Training, and also with raising Funds simultaneously as you learn through and after the training period.

To achieving this mission, a proven system has been created which bears Skygital Hangout. This system allows Skygital Hangout affiliate members to trade e-courses as to buy and sell those e-courses plus live training tickets, and raise funds as growth fund from it while learning. The system brings in buyers for members to sell the e-courses plus live training tickets to those buyers and receive the money directly into their wallet account. By the virtue of compound interest, this really give the system a fast, continuous and consistent growth of funds without any delay coming from any member. Now, see exactly how it works below. Note that the currency applied to you is USD

The trading of e-courses for buying and selling are structured in levels and packages by ranks, i.e. Basic Level – (Bronze Package), Intermediate Level – (Silver Package), and Advanced Level – (Gold Package). This structure makes it possible for members to generate funds from the system by selling those e-courses plus live training tickets level by level. The minimum amount you need from start to finish is just a total of $70 only. ($30 for core registration and $40 to start buying and selling those e-courses).

Now how do you start? After you have made payment of $70 which also serves for skills learning with startup capital and got registered, once it has been approved, using $20 for proprietary tool, and with $10 you will receive your license number for automatic activation to start using Skygital Hangout by jumping into the Basic Level, and use your balance of $40 to buy an e-course plus live training tickets from a seller that will be given to you instantly. After that, you can now sell the e-course to two (2) different buyers and continue your amazing journey to financial freedom from Basic Level.


In the Basic Level, you will have to buy the Basic Level e-course (Faced and Faceless Video Creation plus Editing, and Graphic Design) from an old member with the sum of $40. Now, having clicked on “Buy Course” button successfully to buy the Basic Level e-courses, the seller confirms that you’ve bought it, and you will have access to the e-course plus live training. Then you can now click on "Sell Course" button to sell to two (2) different new members (buyers) that are given to you to buy from you, both of them will pay you $40 each making it a total of $80. After the system confirms their payments, immediately you will be moved to Intermediate Level. .

COURSES TO BUY & SELL: = Faced and Faceless Video Creation plus Editing, and Graphic Design
AMOUNT TO BUYL: $40 payment paid to your seller (old member)
AMOUNT TO SELL: $40 payment received from each buyer (new member)
NUMBER OF BUYERS: 2 different buyers


In the Intermediate Level, you will have to buy the Intermediate Level e-course (E-Commerce Business, and Website Design plus Development) from an old member with the sum of $74 out of all you made from Basic Level. Now, having clicked on “Buy Course” button successfully to buy the Intermediate Level e-courses, the seller confirms that you’ve bought it, and you will have access to the e-course plus live training. Then you can now click on "Sell Course" button to sell to five (5) different new members that are given to you to buy from you, all of them will pay you $74 each making it a total of $370. After the system confirms their payments, immediately you will be moved to the Advanced Level.

COURSES TO BUY & SELL: E- Commerce Business, and Website Design plus Development
AMOUNT TO BUYL: $74 payment paid to your seller (old member)
AMOUNT TO SELL: $74 payment received from each buyer (new member)
NUMBER OF BUYERS: 5 different buyers


In the Advanced Level, you will have to buy the Advanced Level e-course (Affiliate Marketing, and Information Marketing) from an old member with the sum of $350 out of all you made from Intermediate Level. Now, having clicked on “Buy Course” button successfully to buy the Advanced Level e-course, the seller confirms that you’ve bought it, and you will have access to the e-course plus live training. Then you can now click on "Sell Course" button to sell to three (3) different new members that are given to you to buy from you, all of them will pay you $350 each making it a total of $1,050 i.e. One thousand and fifty dollar. After the system confirms their payments with a requirement for the collection of your Growth Fund, immediately without your request, you will receive an amount of $1,050 into your bank account that you must have provided on your back office.

COURSES TO BUY & SELL:Affiliate Marketing, and Information Marketing
AMOUNT TO BUYL: $350 payment paid to your seller (old member)
AMOUNT TO SELL: $350 payment received from each buyer (new member)
NUMBER OF BUYERS: 3 different buyers


The Skygital Pool Bonus do work as return-on-investment. This is where all Skygital Hangout Affiliate members can make money without having to sponsor or refer people. The beautiful benefit here is that, all profit made from businesses and services done by Skygital Group through E-Learning Industry, E-Commerce Industry, Information Technology Industry, and Marketing Industry are proportionally divided. 20% of Skygital global sales profit, that is. 20% of Skygital group global sales profit made every month, goes into the skygital pool and is shared among all existing active members on a monthly basis.

Now, the total amount each affiliate member receives from this pool share is determined by his initial sign-up package. Regardless of the ratio allotted as shares and result from enlargement to each sign up package, the higher your entry package, the bigger the total shares you receive from the Skygital pool. You can see the exact shares you get from the pool by virtue of package with rank if you look at the bullet point statements and table representation below. So, the interesting thing to take home from this is that;

  • Every affiliate who signs up on the Basic level with a Bronze package of $50 will quadruple his entry package from the skygital pool, which will be up to $200. This means that you can earn four (4) times your entry package from the skygital pool without referring anyone.
  • You can triple your entry package without referrals if you sign up on the Intermediate level with the Silver package. The price of the Silver package, is $80. So, if you start with the Silver package, you can earn up to three (3) times that amount, that’s $240 from the skygital pool.
  • If you start at the Advanced level with the Gold package valued at $370, you can earn up to twice your entry package from the skygital pool without referrals. So your total earning on the Gold package from skygital pool without referrals is two (2) times your entry package which is capped at $740. Very fantastic.
  • Note that additional sign-up charges you may incur may be for license fees and proprietary tool.


    The Incentives Pack Bonus is specifically made to boost the Skygital mission to empowering you with knowledge and digital skills for financial liberation. For this to be more effective, you will need a technological tools and devices to increase your productivity performance and build your capacity the more. Therefore, Skygital has made provisions as incentives packs for any affiliate member who attain a measure of 1400 PV (Point Value). Most count of this point value (PV) can be gotten as a bonus point value in the business of buying and selling e-courses, i.e free PV. You will definitely get the remaining counts of the point value (PV) when you sponsor new members as you share the opportunity with others. This is very beautiful. The Incentives Pack includes:

  • LAPTOP: Infinix INBook X1, Pro Intel, Core I3, 256GB, SSD, 8GB RAM, Backlit Keyboard, Windows 10.
  • POWER BANK: Fit 20000mAh Smart Solar + Electric Power Bank.
  • FLASH DRIVE: SanDisk 128GB Ultra OTG Dual USB Flash Drive 3.0 (For PC & Smartphone).


    The Overflow Cash Bonus in Skygital Hangout is measured out to be a spillage of reward to all diligent affiliate members who are done with buying and selling of e-courses up to the Advanced level, and waiting to reach the required point value (PV) to receive the Skygital fund growth. The Skygital Hangout system is created to benefit all affiliate members because Skygital Hangout runs on a linear compensation system, therefore this gives you advantage to get to the Advanced level in no time with some free bonus PV. Now if you are yet to get the required point value (PV) which is 9000 PV to receive your Skygital Growth Fund at that point, but reached 3000 PV (Point Value), then you will receive an Overflow Cash bonus worth of $250. The Overflow Cash bonus is provided for you for the recognition of your effort to have achieved your required PV even while you were buying and selling e-courses on the Skygital Hangout platform, and also learning those courses. Very remarkable.


    The Skygital Growth Fund reward is one of the major goals fixed into the compensation plan of Skygital Hangout System to reward affiliate members. After learning a skill for business purpose, getting funds to start up or grow your business can be really difficult. But as an affiliate member of Skygital Hangout, receiving the Growth Fund reward is a financial liberation to start or continue to pursue your business dream. When you reach the Point Value (PV) required to receive your Growth Fund reward which is 9000 PV (Point value), you are qualified and become an outstanding affiliate member, then you will be notified and receive an amount of $1,050 into your bank account that you must have provided as part of your KYC. This is very beautiful.


    The Car or Travel Award Prize in Skygital Hangout is a reward that will make you stand out from all outstanding affiliate members in Skygital Hangout. The Travel part of the award prize is that you’ll receive an all-expense paid trip from Skygital Group to travel to any destination of your choice for relaxation, and shopping. To achieve the Car or Travel Award Prize is not far-fetched. All you need to acquire is a total Point Value (PV) of 27000. When you reach 27000 PV (Point Value), you are qualified to receive a Car Award or Trip to any destination of your choice from Skygital Group. You can decide not to travel but collect your traveling trip in cash. The choice is yours. I am happy to tell you that the Point Value you will need for this Car or Travel Award Prize is an accumulated PV, i.e. no PV reduction or flush out. The PVs that has earned you previous bonuses are added up to the new PV you will be earning. This is very cute. The interesting part of this financial journey is that, before you reach the required PV for the qualification of Car or Travel Award, you would have earned much more from your Affiliate Rewards Bonuses that can even buy you a car. This is absolutely fantastic.


    The House Award Prize is the breaking through the peak of lifestyle awards and bonuses you have been receiving from Skygital Hangout. By the structure of the system with some free tools available to you, getting to this stage is fast and easy to be done. You will need 95,000 PV (Point Value) to receive the House Award Prize. Remember that you will be adding up your previous PV (Point value) to rapidly increase the volume. So, no flushing out of PV, and also with the help of Skygital proprietary tools and technologies plus automatic linear placement, the sky is your limit. Now, aside the House Award Prize you will receive, will your affiliate bonus buy you a big house? Your answer is as good as mine. Moreover, when you receive this House Award Prize, you are then instantly enthroned with a Royal Ambassador title. This gives you power and authority to receive unlimited pool share bonus from Skygital Hangout even if the capping for your initial pool share bonus have been reached. This is like a lifetime royalty payout to you. An endless income Wow! This is super-duper fantastic.


    In Skygital Hangout, sponsoring or referring is not a must for members i.e. it is not compulsory to refer someone, but the system have huge bonuses for those that choose to refer and support the system to grow faster. Also most of the Point Values (PV) you will earn to receive bonuses require you to sponsor or refer people. Below are some of the affiliate bonuses. There are also plans to add more in the nearest future. Great!

    VIP Reward Bonus

    VIP Reward: Firstly, if you refer minimum of two (2) persons to the system before you get to Intermediate Level, you will be added to a VIP Hub where you will gain a VIP Honour to follow you up with guidance and mentorship, and to make sure you apply the digital skills you’ve learnt properly and make money from it even before you complete your buying and selling at the Advanced Level. We will hold you by hands till you become not only a specialist but also a supreme being in Digital Skills. To access this, you need to earn exact or more than 500 PV in the system.

    Initial Reward Bonus

    Initial Reward: Secondly, if you sponsor a new member into the system starting from the Basic level, you earn the Initial Referral Bonus of $5. It’s also called the Initial Reward. . Take for example you sponsored 10 new members to Skygital Hangout within a week, you will earn $50 in a week, and if you are consistent with it for a month, you are assured to earn $200 in a month from the initial reward. Doing this is very easy once you know how to do it the right way. We will expose to you the secret of doing it rightly. And it will also bring you success in Affiliate Marketing as a digital skill.

    Fast Track Reward Bonus

    Fast Track Reward: Thirdly, anyone can grow funds starting from any level provided in the Skygital Hangout. As there are three (3) levels in the Skygital Hangout system, you can start from any of these levels, either from Basic level, or Intermediate level, or Advanced level. Nevertheless, you will still have access to all the video courses plus live trainings available and prepared for all the three (3) levels.

    Now if you refer someone to start from the Intermediate level, you get the Fast Track Reward of $5. And when you sponsor or refer someone to start from the Advanced level, you get the Fast Track Reward of $10. Fantastic! Now starting from any of these levels won’t stop you from receiving your full values in learnings and trainings from Skygital Hangout. It will not also stop you from receiving your funds in cash at the end of your harvest by completing buying and selling of E-courses at the Advanced level. Note that starting from either Intermediate or Advanced level will speed up your journey to financial freedom.

    Reseller Reward Bonus

    Reseller Reward:Fourthly, you will be earning and receiving money whenever the person you sponsored is selling to new members in all the levels provided for such bonus with their respective ranks. In this case, you will be earning what is called the Reseller Reward on every single sale in that level. Very remarkable. Take for example using ten (10) referees or new affiliate members (i.e. people you shared the opportunity with, and then sponsored those persons):

  • Having been able to sponsor ten (10) persons into the system, when those persons you sponsored are selling to make a net of $370 respectively in Intermediate Level, you will be making $3 on each sale from one person to further make $15 on five (5) sales from that same person, and totally earn $150 from ten of them.
  • Having been able to sponsor that same ten (10) persons into the system, when those persons you sponsored are selling to make an actual net of $1,050 respectively in Advanced Level, you will be making $4 on each sale from one person to further make $12 on three (3) sales from that same person, and totally earn $120 from ten of them. And you will eventually make $270 in all the levels. Very beautiful.
  • Now, the fantastic reality in Skygital Hangout is this; Okay, for a scenario, let's say you have eighteen (18) people you sponsored to the system as a digital or network or affiliate marketer in which the number is very possible. You will be receiving money whenever each of them are selling e-courses plus live training tickets. There is no limit to your earnings as long as you keep on sharing this opportunity to people. If those eighteen (18) people are selling e-courses in the Intermediate Level, that's $270 for you. If the same eighteen (18) people get to the next level and are selling e-courses in the Advanced Level, that's $216 for you. Making a total of $486. Absolutely fantastic.

    When you sponsor up to eighteen (18) people such that they all start their e-course trading from the basic level, or less than eighteen (18) people starting from the Intermediate or Advanced level, you are qualified for the incentive pack bonus or incentive cash bonus worth $120. So you can monthly make much money from the Initial Reward, Reseller Reward, Incentive Cash Bonus, Pool Bonus, and Extended Reward. That is $90 + $486 + $120 + $200 + $116 to be $1,012 (One thousand and twelve dollar), apart from the $1,050 (One thousand and fifty dollar) you will finally grow through e-course trading by buying and selling of e-courses plus live training tickets.

    The good thing is that there is no limit to the number of people you can refer or sponsor, all the people you sponsor are your money, even when you are done with your learning and earning level process and also done receiving all bonuses to the stage of collecting your Car Award and House Award, you can still be sponsoring and making money till thy kingdom come. This is simply what an amount of $50 only can do for you. Very beautiful and fantastic.


    The Skygital Hangout compensation plan unique flexibilities stand out from all other systems of businesses in the world. As you have the privilege to learn lucrative digital skills, there are more features to make money with the provided Compensation Plan Unique Flexibilities of the business system. In Skygital Hangout compensation plan, the system has been structured to feature; No Upgrade Timeframe, No Roll Up, No Flush Out, No Demotion, No Auto Ship, No Target, and No Hidden Charges.

  • There is no Upgrade Timeframe in Skygital Hangout; meaning that, you can upgrade from a package to another package of your choice, at any time you want.
  • There is no Roll Up in Skygital Hangout; meaning that, whenever you refer someone to register as an affiliate member in Skygital Hangout, you will be paid your full referral bonus.
  • There is no Flush Out in Skygital Hangout; meaning that, whatever Point Value (PV) you have attained for a bonus or reward payout, it will be added to any new Point Value (PV) you will earn in the future. Your Point Value (PV) accumulation will eventually get you your bonuses and rewards till the very end.
  • There is no Demotion in Skygital Hangout; meaning that, wherever level you start your business in Skygital Hangout, you move up from one level/rank to another level/rank as you buy and sell until you max out and qualify for your respective rewards and bonus payouts.
  • There is no Auto Ship in Skygital Hangout; meaning that, you won’t be compelled or forced to subscribe every month or every specified period. There is nothing like monthly subscription in Skygital Hangout. You have your decision to purchase any offer on products/services or not. The choice is totally yours.
  • There is no Target in Skygital Hangout; meaning that, when you register as an affiliate member in Skygital Hangout, you are not given any goal to meet periodically. You won’t be asked to meet up to some particular numbers of PV in a month, that when you are unable to meet up, your PV wipes off, and you start afresh. There is nothing like such in Skygital Hangout. You only move in the system at your own pace.
  • There is no Hidden Charges in Skygital Hangout;meaning that, you will get the exact payout on all bonuses and rewards available in the Skygital Hangout’s compensation plan. Every bonuses and rewards payout have been structured and programmed in the system, to pay the exact amount in ratio and percentages, designated for all the packages respectively in the compensation plan.
  • Safety Net of Skygital Hangout is 100%; meaning that there is no time or situation where Skygital Hangout system will over pay its members. All affiliate members are to receive their rewards and bonuses according to their input in skills and efforts respectively. Learning, Buying, and Selling are the best practice of financial liberation and independence.
  • Skygital Hangout! Smart learning, more earnings!