About WOM

About Skygital WOM Promo

What is Skygital WOM Promo?

Skygital WOM Promo is a word-of-mouth promotion and strategy, which evolves a new kind of ecosystem to generate natural discussions about business lifestyles, and recommendations for products and services owned by Skygital Hangout affiliate members, associate members, and prospective members. Based on Skygital Hangout's goal and vision to financially empower everyone with digital skills and their applications,... Read more

How Does Skygital WOM Promo Work?

Essentially, getting people to talk about your brand, products, services, or business for sales is the goal of Skygital. When you fill in the basic and vital information about your brand, products, or services, which you want to promote, Skygital will convert it to word-of-mouth video content and display it across all media online, for you to leverage the connected economy. Also, whenever you or your influencers publish or update... Read more

Getting Started (Requirement)

The Skygital WOM Promo is free to Skygital Hangout affiliate members, associate members, and all prospective members. Even if you are new to Skygital, You are free to use the Skygital WOM Promo. Anyone can register and submit their business content for Skygital WOM Promo. All basic requirements needed to be a part of this amazing platform include these::
1.) Your product, service, or brand name. It is advisable to submit... Read more